„Dear friends and colleagues,
I am thrilled to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude following the resounding success of the Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) 2023. A unique conference for CSOs representatives, governement officials and decision makers from Central and Eastern Europe, EU institutions and International organisations and partner countries. This year edition was focused on humanitarian aid and reconstruction of Ukraine but we also talked about Horn of Africa and food security or GCE and liberal democracies. I am both humbled and inspired by the exceptional experience we collectively created.
As the quote says: “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.“
For sure, there is a long distance ahead of us. It was and it is about the community, the community of development cooperation, humanitarian aid and global citizenship education practitioners.
In this second edition we managed to expand to:
– More than 220 participants from around 30 countries;
– 40+ guest speakers;
– 4 panels, 4 deep talks, 3 side events and number of bilateral meetings.
A Platform for Connections: One of the most rewarding aspects for me was witnessing the connections forged during the event. Professionals, thought leaders, and enthusiasts came together, sparking conversations that have the potential to drive positive change in the realms of development.
A Stellar Team Effort: None of this would have been possible without the hard work, dedication, and passion of my team at Ambrela – Platform for development organizations. Months of work and everything was well planned and executed, creating an environment conducive to growth, learning, and collaboration. I am very proud of my co-workers! A big thank you to them.
Gratitude to Our Exceptional Speakers and Moderators: A heartfelt thank you to our esteemed speakers who illuminated the forum with their wisdom and insights. Your contributions were pivotal in shaping the intellectual landscape of the event.
Appreciation for Our Partners and members: I extend my sincere thanks to our esteemed partners, including the MFEA Slovakia, SAIDC, SR under the brand SlovakAid, European Commission, GENE, Open Society Foundation, EU under the program Stronger roots and Comenius University (FSEV UK and FiF UK) and others. My thank you also goes to the board of Ambrela and our member organisations. Your support and collaboration were instrumental in elevating the impact of Ambrela Development Forum 2023.
Thank You to All Participants: Your presence and engagement made Ambrela Development Forum 2023 a truly special experience.
Looking forward, let’s carry the momentum forward and continue to exchange, cooperate, and make a positive impact on the world through development cooperation and global citizenship education.“ – Daniel Kaba (Executive director of the Platform for development organisations – Ambrela, Slovakia)
Copyright 2025 Ambrela - Platform for Development Organisations. This site is funded by the EU via Stronger Roots and SR via SlovakAid. Ambrela is solely responsible for its content and does not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.