Chairman of the Board, Youth organization „STAN“
Yaroslav Minkin is an educator, cultural manager, and social innovator. He serves as a Chairman of the Board in Youth organization „STAN“, trainer in the programs for cultural professionals in Goethe Institute Ukraine, key expert in Cultural Leadership Program in Kyrgyzstan, and the member of EaP Civil Society Forum. He was born in Luhansk, first 15 years of his life he spent in Yalta (Crimea), 15 subsequent years he devoted to Luhansk (Donbas region), and currently more than 8 years he lives and works in Ivano-Frankivsk (Western Ukraine) as a diversity pusher and human rights defender. His areas of expertise include human rights, gender equality, and non-discrimination, participatory democracy, cultural diversity, and intercultural dialogue, strategic planning, community mapping and cultural development of the cities, art activism, advocacy and campaigns to defend public interests, project cycle management, development of youth and human rights organizations in a grassroots level, audience development, and communication. As a trainer and facilitator, he supports activists, educators and innovators, artists and cultural managers, IDPs and ex-combatants, local politicians, police officers, and policymakers.
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