Policy Officer, ECPDM – European Centre for Development Policy Management
Martin is a French national. He is Policy Officer in charge of Inclusive Aovernance & Accountability and Learning & Quality Support at the European Centre for Development Policy (ECDPM). His current activities at ECDPM involve focus on governance processes and decision making: elections, civil society, sectoral reform and international support. He also manages an international network of government experts on policy coherence. His current research includes civil society engagement with digital technologies and women’s movement and gender focused CSO movements. Prior to joining ECDPM in 2016, Martin worked in the corporate world for a year in Prague. Before that, he was a trainee for the European External Action Service at the EU Delegation to Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa. Martin studied International Relations at the College of Europe (Bruges) as well as African Studies and European Affairs (Paris Sorbonne). His main geographic areas of expertise are West Africa, the Post-Soviet Space, Tunisia and Ethiopia.
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