Guido Schanz
Logistics Officer, United Nations Global Logistics Cluster, Krakow, Poland
Guido Schanz was born in 1972 in Germany. His professional background is Senior Software Consultant for Warehouse Management Software Solutions in Intralogistics. Beside that, he is also a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician at the Johanniter since 1993. In 2008, be joined the International Department of the Johanniter and was trained as ICT and Logistics Officer for the Emergency Medical Response Team of the Johanniter International Assistance. He is also fully trained within the European Civil Protection Mechanism and experienced in the field of the emergency logistics. Recently, Guido was deployed by the Johanniter to facilitate the humanitarian relief item logistic supply chain inside the United Nations Global Logistics Cluster Coordination Cell in Krakow, Poland in order to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
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